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YOU ARE ONLY PERMITTED TO USE THIS SOFTWARE PURSUANT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT.. While ownership of the storage media in which the SOFTWARE is stored rests with you, the SOFTWARE itself is owned by Yamaha and/or Yamaha’s licensor(s), and is protected by relevant copyright laws and all applicable treaty provisions.. PLEASE READ THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT ('AGREEMENT') CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS SOFTWARE.. 1') Release notes: - Updated driver for use on Mac OS 10 11 (El Capitan) GRANT OF LICENSE AND COPYRIGHTYamaha hereby grants you the right to use the programs and data files composing the software accompanying this Agreement, and any programs and files for upgrading such software that may be distributed to you in the future with terms and conditions attached (collectively, “SOFTWARE”), only on a computer, musical instrument or equipment item that you yourself own or manage. What Is A Dmg File How To Open In Windows 7